Overcoming the Challenges of my past... Forging a Future to Live into!

Overcoming the Challenges of my past… Forging a Future to Live into!

Wisdom Watching Within

When you go to your 6th graders first “tackle” drill football practice with Full pads you don’t usually expect to experience life altering insights. isn’t it great to be surprised! 🙏💕🪽🌀🐰🌝 I’ll be back.

An “Full-Circle” Adventure! – Travel to Spain (May 14-24, 2022)

Join me on my new adventure… So many things to share! Follow the Journey with a Video Blog on YouTube at this channel! #PossibilityMe #PossibilityFreedom #PossibilityAmor This trip has gotten WAY beyond budget AND I’m excited to be journaling… (my first travel efforts were here – www.Broken-Heart.Us). I’m looking for …

Stop kicking yourself!

Back on April 2, 2020 my state had been in a “Peacetime State of Emergency” for 20 days… I had already started my personal project to disrupt the collapsing of two ideas that seem to have take hold in our society – Social Distancing = Social Isolation… I called it …

Are you willing

“If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking.” Buckminister Fuller If you’ve never read this quote before, I want you to consider it for a …