Have you unknowingly slipped into the malaise that has crept into the mainstream called “Resignation?” (Here is that new post where I share what I mean by “Resignation,” … just realize that to some degree we are all subject to its effects).
How would you know you are “resigned?!” Well… one test might be a simple question – Do you celebrate your birthday? Do you celebrate it with zeal or disdain or do you attempt to sweep right past it and not even acknowledge to the world (let alone yourself) that its happening?!? Is it the fact that yet another orbit around our Sun has been made and deep down you feel that you have NOT accomplished what it is that you were supposed to do that gives you permission to “pass” on a birthday celebration!?
If any of the answers to the questions above are true, then SNAP OUT OF IT! You are NOT DEAD YET!
When you were born, for one split-second, the universe came into perfect alignment just for you. Your every particle of existence had been masterfully thought up by the Master Himself. Perfection came to earth once again… wrapped in you. And in that split-second you fulfilled three very important roles: 1) A Gift to the World 2) A Gift to yourself & 3) A Gift to God.
A Gift to the World – Each individual is unique in all the earth. We each bring new ideas and new ways of being. I will never know what you do or understand the experience that is intrinsically yours. You are Incredible. I am a better person because you are here!
A Gift to yourself – Outside of God…who will ever know yourself better than YOU?!? If we are to Love our Neighbors as Ourselves, then we MUST Love ourselves… We were delivered by the perfect Creator to join Him in Redeeming His Creation… Celebrate that!
And… Finally… how did we get here?! Yep.
A Gift to God – I’m just spit-balling here… Why did God create Mankind? Does He “need” Worshipers? No. Is God lonely? No. Then perhaps, because He knew that you would bring a perfect YOU feel to the biggest celebration outside of existence… Heaven! What do you get the God of All Things?!? The Creation of You! He could look at His creation (just like every good father does) and take JOY in your very presence!
So Happy Birthday… Get out there and celebrate!