Since well before H.G. Wells wrote the Time Machine, man has been wanting to control time (I bet Adam and Eve both thought that the moment they realized they were naked!) And guess what… it really hasn’t changed today.
One of my favorite “Time Management” (The more proper and acceptable way of stating our obsession with time travel (aka – CONTROL) is the story shared by Stephen Covey about “Big Rocks” in his book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”. The story told in the book tells it in a very different way, but the demonstration that he does here get the point across in a powerful way.
Have you heard it before? Did you skip watching the video because you “know” the lesson?!?
Well… Me too! And yet I still try and go back in time and get a “DO OVER” on life… and then I whine about how “Life is unfair” sometimes… thankfully not as often after I read this passage in the Bible.
“Look at all the birds—do you think they worry about their existence? They don’t plant or reap or store up food, yet your heavenly Father provides them each with food. Aren’t you much more valuable to your Father than they? So, which one of you by worrying could add anything to your life?
~ Matthew 6:26-27 TPT
And yet… here I am. One week late on my “weekly” blog post (or “on time” for this one :-/ ) and I was so frustrated with myself. I knew there was no way to go back in time and yet, the missed time was in control of my life.
Am I the only one here?!? The only one who want to add just a “little more” to his/her life?
So I just want to say… I wasn’t always a believer in God (and certainly not Jesus… and don’t even get me started about “the church!”), but those simple words you just read above changed everything for me. They stopped the incessant pace of an hour-glass that was always running out of sand. Time that was always draining away. A “bucket” that was always full and never had room for the “Big Rocks” in my life. I will share more about that “next” week, but would you share a little about your own experience with “Time Control” and how you have “added just a little more to your life?” Maybe you have figured it out, but changing the future is almost as difficult as changing the past (or as the Oracle said in The Matrix – “What’s really going to ‘bake your noodle’ later on is… would you still have broken it if I hadn’t said anything?!?”
Looking forward to spending TIME with you… Here… Now.
#LetYourLightShine #PossibilityMe