Freedom… When does it happen?

Freedom… When does it happen?

¡Cinco de Mayo!

I’m all for a reason to throw a celebration… New Year’s Eve, St. Patrick’s Day, and National Teacher’s Appreciation Day (Today by the way!) However, as a 1st Generation Mexican-American, I want to speak up for the “error” that many seem ok to buy-into and knock back a margarita (or two!) as you give a nod to Mexican “Independence” day… but it’s NOT TRUE!

Ever hear a misattributed quote (Look here for some interesting ones!)… yet, how often have you been a contributor in the continuation of the “mis-information” that has been foisted on you?!?

So let’s get back to my point… Freedom is difficult to create and perhaps impossible to maintain if the foundation it is built on is a connection of mistruths and confusion… so THAT begins with KNOWING when to Celebrate Freedom – When it ACTUALLY happens! (Mexican Independence Day is Sept 16th by the way!)

And why do I say this in important? Because Truth is Truth.

Cinco de Mayo is actually a celebration of a single battle in the city of Puebla where a vastly outnumbered Mexican force defeated a superior French force (More Here). And that simple “error” is what I call “an example” of happens when we don’t stop the snowballs that begin to roll down the mountain and grow uncontrollably BEFORE they become an avalanche!

Begin to create Freedom by Declaring it in Truth!

We’ve got this!
