Overcoming the Challenges of my past... Forging a Future to Live into!

Overcoming the Challenges of my past… Forging a Future to Live into!

It’s not about you…

“On the strength of one link in the cable,Dependeth the might of the chain.Who knows when thou may’st be tested?So live that thou bearest the strain!” Check out the rest at this World War I document archive One of 27 rhythmical stanza’s that forced their way into my life one …

26 miles is NOT a Marathon…

So who has ever “thought” of doing a marathon? Do you know that the original Olympics never had such a grueling and long-distance event, but that it was inspired by the Legend of Pheidippides and his incredible run from Marathon to Athens to announce “Nike!” (Victory! Or Rejoice, We Conquer!) …

We are all failures!

So how’s that for a title?!? Did you immediately say to yourself “Is this guy for real!?!” “Not me!” “Hmmm… I never thought of it that way?” “Am I???” Well let me just say that I agree… with all of those questions AND that none of them are the point! …